Sunday, April 2, 2017

Ellie Kammer

Ellie Kammer is an Australian artist that explicitly deals with a chronic illness that I have, endometriosis. She depicts her experience of living with endometriosis in intimate oil paintings, trying to allow the viewer to experience it for themselves, to imagine what it feels like. Kammer’s paintings depict the invisible part of the disease on the outside of the female body, making it visible. In my experiments I am attempting to create something similar, but in a different medium. By merging medical scans of the inside of my body with photographs of my appearance. Through her paintings, she also raises awareness and promotes understanding for this disease, which is one of my goals. 

'Endometriosis (Imponderable)', Oil on canvas, 76 x 61cm.

'Endometriosis (Contempt)', Oil on board, 61 x 46cm.

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