Monday, April 3, 2017

Nicolas Molé

Nicolas’ Mole’s installation work, They Look At You is an example of the immersive installation that I would like to experiment with in my work. In They Look At You, you have to physically crawl into the workspace, remove your shoes, and sit there and experience the work before you. It is a fully immersive experience.This type of immersive experience is something I would like to experiment with. 





"Nicolas Molé is emerging as a key figure in the expression of contemporary Kanak culture. Moving fluently between drawing, animation and video, Mole constructs animated multi-media installations that respond to the natural and cultural environment of New Caledonia. These works are often performative in nature, requiring an audience to activate or transform them. They are also interventionist, adapting an existing building, site or place. Mole has worked extensively with performance companies to create environments for their works. For APT8 he has worked with ni-Vanuatu author and musician Marcel Meltherorong to create a multi-media installation that reflects upon, and provides a space for, contemporary Melanesian performance."

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