Monday, May 22, 2017

Renaissance Self Portraits

Notes on the collision of the Renaissance portrait and my work

I am drawn to Renaissance portraits, particularly self portraits and have been studying Renaissance art this semester.  The idealised proportions, soft colour palettes, the posing of the model.
Romanticised self portraits versus the human body and the invasion of surgeries/medications/tests upon the body. 

My work touches on:
*Human vulnerability and the decay of the body
*Fantastical/idealised proportions versus the reality of the human experience
*Soft colours
*How I view myself through the lens of medicalisation

I particularly like the work of Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Durer. 

No single man can be taken as a model for a perfect figure, for no man lives on earth who is endowed with the whole of beauty. - Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer, Self Portrait, 1500.

Albrecht Durer, Self Portrait, 1484.

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503-16.

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