Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Collection of Text

From a Endometriosis Support Group I am in. A collection of texts that we have all heard before. 

-          “Why don’t you just get pregnant and have a baby? That would cure you.”
-          “My Aunt had that and she cured herself with exercise and diet. It can’t be that serious.”
-          “But you already had a surgery last year. Why would you need another one? Aren’t you fixed?”
-          “But you don’t look sick.”
-          “Paleo has really helped my sister. Have you tried that?”
-          “It’s normal, get over it.”
-          “Everyone gets period pain.”
-          “Everyone gets cramps, you’re just being dramatic, get over it.”
-          “Have you tried yoga?”
-          “It’s a woman’s lot to have painful periods. You need to toughen up.”
-          “It’s all in your head.”
-          “You’ll feel better if you got out and did things rather than lay in bed all day.”
-          “Someone else had things worse than you.”
-          “Mental illness isn’t real.”
-          “It’s mind over matter.”
-          “You just need more hobbies.”
-          “My mum’s cousin has that. She grows all kinds of herbs and has them daily in her drinks/meals and she is completely cured!”
-          “You just have to get up and do something fun. Do something you’ll enjoy. You’ll feel so much better.”
-          “You just need to try and be happier.”
-          “I had that once. It was so bad, but my one surgery cured it!”
-          “You still have that?”
-          “It would be nice not to work, what do you do all day?”
-          “It could be worse.”
-          “Happiness is a choice.”
-          “Why can’t you just be happy?”
-          “You’re so lucky you get so many sick days off work.”

-          “It’s probably just your nerves.”

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