Friday, March 31, 2017

Short Animation

Oriel Berkovits, 'Tzadik''

Interesting short animation on mental illness. Really lovely animation style and colour palette. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Clare Milledge

I really like way Clare Milledge displays her works. It is such an interesting way to display text. It has such an impact on the viewer. The texts she uses are also dynamic, some are conversations from tinder. This is also a feminist work, a comment on society in the 21st Century. 

At this point I was interested in using text in my own work, but I feel that my work is heading in a different direction. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Collection of Text

From a Endometriosis Support Group I am in. A collection of texts that we have all heard before. 

-          “Why don’t you just get pregnant and have a baby? That would cure you.”
-          “My Aunt had that and she cured herself with exercise and diet. It can’t be that serious.”
-          “But you already had a surgery last year. Why would you need another one? Aren’t you fixed?”
-          “But you don’t look sick.”
-          “Paleo has really helped my sister. Have you tried that?”
-          “It’s normal, get over it.”
-          “Everyone gets period pain.”
-          “Everyone gets cramps, you’re just being dramatic, get over it.”
-          “Have you tried yoga?”
-          “It’s a woman’s lot to have painful periods. You need to toughen up.”
-          “It’s all in your head.”
-          “You’ll feel better if you got out and did things rather than lay in bed all day.”
-          “Someone else had things worse than you.”
-          “Mental illness isn’t real.”
-          “It’s mind over matter.”
-          “You just need more hobbies.”
-          “My mum’s cousin has that. She grows all kinds of herbs and has them daily in her drinks/meals and she is completely cured!”
-          “You just have to get up and do something fun. Do something you’ll enjoy. You’ll feel so much better.”
-          “You just need to try and be happier.”
-          “I had that once. It was so bad, but my one surgery cured it!”
-          “You still have that?”
-          “It would be nice not to work, what do you do all day?”
-          “It could be worse.”
-          “Happiness is a choice.”
-          “Why can’t you just be happy?”
-          “You’re so lucky you get so many sick days off work.”

-          “It’s probably just your nerves.”

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Collection of Ideas

Images of the flow chart and brainstorming session on my project proposal. (This is not would go on forever).

Ideas that have been trashed: Storyboards of my day to day life. Routine and Repetition. An attempt to carry on my stop motion animation / flip book from last year. 

And a collection of medical paraphernalia that has been used on a day to day basis.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Collection of Collages/Drawings from Class

Exercises from in class. Having fun with collages and then replicating the collages in drawings. 


  Above ^ Collage    Below > Drawing

 Above ^ Collage    Below > Drawing

'The Edges'